flat plans analysis

In order to show that we have thought about different ideas for our Digipaks, we must show three different flatplans. This will also help me choose the best ideas for the digipak to get a better outcome.

I have found a good font that I would like to use on the front panel on my front cover. For "Florence and the Machine" the writing is from dafont.com, it is called "peach sundress". It is neat but curly writing which gives it an artistic look. It is also very clear and stands out, so that the audience can recognise it. The font I will use for the title of the single and video "Swimming" is also from the same website and called "Freebooter Script". It is in a calligraphy style, I chose it as it is quite different from the other font so they look seperate frm eachother. I think they will both be in black and white and i will continue the same script in my other flatplans as I have made my definite decision.
I have printed out a few different fonts to see which one most people like.

Here is my first flatplan:
The picture on the front panel is an extreme close up of our actress, representing Florence Welch. I would like this picture to be in colour, and for her to wear bright make-up so that it stands out and reflects the colourful scene in the woods. I would like her hair to be blowing in her face so that you can see she is outside as is our video. I think that by using a clear and bold picture of the "singer" the audience would recognise her immediately and it would stand out. The picture on the outer back panel is of the beach where we will fim. I would like to take this in black and white as this section in our video will also be, it will give recognition to the video as it will be of the set where we film it. The script used on the back tells us which tracks it features, this and the email at the bottom will both be in the same font style as "SWIMMING" but not in capitals. I have put the bands' email address at the bottom so that the audience immediately know where to find more information on the band, it is a way of promoting them.
The inner left panel is a picture of our actress again, she is on the beach this time and it will look as if it is a still taken fromt he video so that people buying it will recognise it when they see the video. I think I may have this photo in black and white like the the beach scene in the music video although having it in colour would make it stand out more. The inside right panel shows a view of the ground near where we have filmed the scene in the woods. I would like this to definitely to be in colour and mabe hav some of the previously painted leaves in the photo too.

Here is a copy of my second flatplan:
The front panel is of the actress again, I think it is important to use a significant icon, such as the same person that is used in our music video as people who may have seen the music video and like it will immediately recognise the photo of the singer and so want to buy the cd. In this photo she is reading a book in the woods, we see her do this in the music video in shots number six and seven. The writing on the book is also the title of the CD. By putting "by Florence and the Machine" makes it seem more part of the book and as if the video is a story. This is quite an unconventional way of displaying the title which
also represents the band's own style. Again the outer back panel has the song title i have also put "swimming remix" as this is typical of most singles to add a remix someone has made of the song to the CD. The photo is a picture of both seaside and woodland like the part in the music video where she walks from the woods and finds herself on the beach.

My third flatplan: The front panel will have the same script on as my first flatplan. On the front cover i again have used a mid shot photo of our singer's face, for reasons which I have already expressed. She is in a beach scene now, I think it is important to sketch different possibilities and i feel that this could be just as an effective front panel as the woods ones as there are also parts in the video where she is on the beach. I have made the back simple and just put a close-up of some leaves (they could be coloured) which signifies the wooded area. In the middle she is also in the woods as if it is a still from a scene in the film, so people will recognise it. The other middle panel is of the book which is a significant prop in the film and it also says the title "swimming".